About Us
The story behind NonDataPeeps.com starts a few years back when two business women, Linda Gross from Canada, and Jude Barak from Israel - met at a professional conference (The Presentation Summit) and immediately hit it off.
We realized that despite coming from different parts of the world, different cultures, religions, AND one of us is a total data geek while the other sees numbers and walks the other way – we still share the same values.
We both run our own businesses, love a good laugh yet take ourselves very seriously, have *more* than a few opinions, are smart and knowledgeable and above all else – we enjoy sharing that knowledge.
Probably more than anything else, it is that last point that connects us. Our shared passion for helping people to become 'better', better presenters, better communicators, that has triggered our joint venture affectionaltely called Non-Data Peeps.
During COVID, we had more time on our hands, and while talking about projects that we might find interesting – we started sharing “clients stories”.
We realized that each one of us looks at data driven presentations a bit differently.
Linda uses her energy and endless curiousity to engage audiences sitting through a “dry” data presentation by weaving in brilliant stories and nuggets of human interest – she always finds the human story that is behind the data. However, put a slide of numbers in front of her and she'll roll her eyes, push it aside and say "Just tell me, what's the point? What are you trying to say?"
Jude on the other hand can (and does) eat numbers for breakfast. She can find those stories as soon the data is laid in front of her. She swims comfortably in a sea of data, then will chart it, present it and so clearly summarize "what's the point" to others - to the “data people”. Her true gift shines however, when it's time to explain, or connect the dots for the non-data people. The ones like Linda who don't see it until all the points are laid out step by step.
After sharing a number of those success and fail stories, we both realized that there are a lot of data people who need to present their data to “non-data people”. Data analysts presenting to Board Members. Or engineers, scientests, etc. presenting to the C-Suite on the best directions to persue, or not. In our rapidly changing world, digital marketing specialists harness Big Data to help identify the choices and changes companies need to make to survive and flourish.
We realized that we had hit upon something. That many of us communicate differently than we used to "before" ... before business became SO fast, so complex. Covid of course, has only added to this. Hybrid workspaces significantly change the way businesses and people communicate.
We see that data people who could often count on others to present their findings, are now required to do so themselves.
Then arrived the day when both of us were contacted, separately, by “data people” and C-Level management asking if we could help as the data people were struggling to present clearly and the non-data people were really struggling to understand.
That was the final trigger - and the first building block to creating NonDataPeeps.com
Non-data people - they are the audience. We assist the Data Peeps – to communicate better with this audience.
If not, there is no point in presenting it.
Especially if your audience is not very comfortable with data in general, or the specific data in particular.
When you show insights, bring the data to life by telling the story behind it, you don't just engage your audience, your data become memorable.
When 1+1 = 3
Co-Founder & Data Peep
Owner, Excel Expert and Presentation Specialist, ExcelLeader - living in Israel and operating in Israel and Europe
Co-Founder & Non-Data Peep
Owner and Presentation Specialist, Impact Communications - living in Canada and operating throughout North America